Are Mail-In Ballots The Future Of Elections Across The World?

By Toby Tunwase

Every now and then, elections give us something new to savor, at least till another cycle of four years rolls by. In 2020, life didn’t just give us COVID-19. It gave us a keenly contested US election that will be infamously remembered for all time. Due to the pandemic, a hotly debated aspect of the elections was the widespread use of mail-in ballots. Post-election, mail-in ballots have now come to symbolize comebacks and rebounds.

Image credit: St. Louis Public Radio

With the way mail-in votes changed the face, and outcome, of the US elections, many people think that the system of voting is here for good. Are they?

No doubt, they are the future. One of the benefits mail-in ballots afford is faster elections. If there are working systems in place, states can receive mail-in votes and count them immediately. Results will come through a lot faster

Besides, mail-in ballots mean you don’t need to leave the comfort of your homes. As such, you don’t have to fear voter intimidation or violence. Also, in unprecedented times like the coronavirus pandemic, people get to vote without risking infection.

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Moreover, since most mails are sent electronically, voters can rule out vote counter bias and several forms of rigging. These benefits do not mean mail-in ballots are perfect. Still, states can overcome the challenges and make elections free and fair for all.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly isolated and reserved. For example, many people now take remote jobs, and virtual reality is replacing cinema dates. In fact, most people order foods, clothes, and appliances online and have them at their doorstep in minutes. If that’s the world of the future, the only voting system that suits it is mail-in voting.