Examining The Effect Of Global Terrorism On Human Living

By Toby Tunwase

One of the most significant challenges that face the entire world today is terrorism and terrorist activities, primarily perpetrated by extremist organizations. 

However, while the United Nations, NATO, and other such organizations continue to coordinate with nations to wage war on terrorism, we mustn’t lose sight of some terrible consequences this menace has had on human living. 

Some of the most notable effects of terrorism on the human experience include: 

  1. Fear 

The fear of terrorist attacks in areas that have experienced such attacks, especially consistently, is damaging. The slightest sound could make a heart leap in such areas and even cause a desperate scamper for cover. You would think that this would not be the case in countries like the United States, but surveys disagree. Thirty-four percent of U.S. adults surveyed by Gallup in 2013 said they are very concerned about future terrorist attacks. A mere 10 percent of respondents said they weren’t worried at all.

  1. Loss of Lives 

This is a very apparent consequence; however, the numbers are still very disheartening. For example, in 2019 alone, 28,082 people died as a result of terrorist attacks. 

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  1. Disruption to economy 

Terrorist attacks lead to severe disruptions in personal, family, and national economics. For example, several individuals and families lose properties and sources of livelihood due to terrorist attacks. In addition, nations lose chances for foreign direct investment due to instabilities from multiple terror attacks, not to mention direct attacks on economically significant structures by terrorist groups. 

Other consequences include displacement, loss of family connections, and in some cases, loss of democratic and legitimate government.