The Solution To Dictatorship In Africa

By Toby Tunwase

You can best describe the problem with Africa as perennial and diverse. All at once, the continent suffers from massive poverty levels, internal conflicts, terrorism, and poor infrastructure. And worse still, these problems have continued for decades on end. Yet, more often than not, these crises can be linked to the pitfall of bad leadership. 

Many African countries are ruled by old dictators who care nothing about human rights. Instead, they concern themselves with looting the nation’s treasury and staying in power till death does them part.

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Attempts to import solutions to Africa’s leadership problems always failed. Mainly, interference in local politics has always led to revolutionary figures who develop a savior complex and lay eternal claim to power.

Thus, if nothing at all, Africa’s experiences show that it must look within for solutions. Unlike other nations of the world, Africa is heterogenous, having complex social groups. So, government structures and policies in Western states may not find footing in Africa. How then can Africa solve its dictatorship crises?

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Well, upfront, Africa must understand that its strength lies in its commonality. Rather than copying institutions from abroad, it should seek to create fitting standards that can thrive among its diverse groups. 

Moreover, Africa must reevaluate its values. Its people must stand to become responsible and accountable to themselves. Pressure groups must refrain from backing down at the instance of bribery and threats.

Lastly, the security forces should wake up to their primary obligation. They should charge themselves with the responsibility to protect the lives, rights, and properties of citizens. That way, they’ll be fulfilling a more honourable duty than serving as instruments of oppression in the hands of unrepentant dictators.